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Why We Practice Bright Spot Fridays

If you’ve been in the Yellow Rose Members Only Facebook group on a Friday, you’ve probably seen people posting about Bright Spot Fridays. This is a practice that we started a few years ago, but we’ve been very consistent with it over the past year. The goal of it is

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Happy Lifting – Ladies Only

Gyms can be scary and intimidating places, and nobody knows this more than the women of the world. I mean, simply starting ANY fitness program can be so overwhelming, and then you throw in a new place that has notoriously bad experiences for most women… They have to dodge ridiculous

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The Daily Directive – Advancing Happy

Being a gym owner is the greatest job in the world for me, but it doesn’t come without it’s challenges. I have great days, I have bad days, I have “meh” days… But no matter what, I always try to do at least ONE thing each day that’s going to

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5 Ways To Avoid The Summer Slow Down

We’ve officially entered into the summer months. Ok, maybe not “officially” … that’s June 20th, but it’s May in Houston, so we’re calling it summer.   We’re almost to Memorial Day.Schools are letting out (or at least close enough where the kids and teachers are all mentally checked out).Those trips

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Not Seeing Results You Want? Read This.

I was talking with someone the other day at the gym. They had been training with us for just over a year, and they were beginning to feel a bit frustrated. “You know Clark, I just can’t seem to lose this last bit of weight, and I feel like I’m

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Chase Habits – Find Your Happy

We’re a few months into our new phase of life as a gym community and our “advancing happy” movement. I’ve been talking about happiness a LOT with so many people since then, and I’m absolutely loving it. One of the things that tends to come up a lot is how

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Happy Legends – What to Expect

Our Happy Legends program begins its first official class on Monday, March 11th at 1PM. Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or just starting your fitness journey, this class is designed to meet you where you are and help you progress towards your goals in a supportive and inclusive environment. Here’s

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Embracing Strength and Joy: The Happy Legends Program

We all need to strength train. I mean, we REALLY need to strength train. Just 3 hours of strength training a week can reduce all cause mortality by upwards of 30%. That’s huge. More time with your partner. More time with your family. More… LIFE. As we get older, our

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Work hard. Be nice. Have fun.

We’re ushering in a new era of Yellow Rose with our Advancing Happy movement. It’s a movement that we couldn’t be more excited about, since it’s really us embodying all of the work we’ve been doing for the past 7+ years helping people live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Advancing

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Welcome to Yellow Rose. Advancing Happy.

For the past 7+ years, Yellow Rose has been on a mission. The mission involved improving the health and wellness of 10,000 people in Houston, and a bunch of other metrics that didn’t really matter. I mean, what happens if you’re the 10,001 person to join Yellow Rose? Are we

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