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What To Do After a Holiday Weekend

It never fails. A 3 day weekend just happened. You wake up on Tuesday (feeling like it’s Monday) and you’re feeling generally “bleh.” Maybe a little bloated. Maybe a little foggy. Maybe a little (or a lot) annoyed at your nutritional behaviors from the past 3 days. We get it.

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Easy Ways To Be Active

While I genuinely want everyone who ever sets eyes on this website to come into Yellow Rose and try us out, I know that isn’t feasible for many. There’s a distance factor, a cost factor, and plenty of other factors that just won’t make it happen, and that’s OK. But

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1 Tip To Improve Your Relationship With Food

One of the best things you can do to improve your relationship with food? Get rid of the labels of “good” or “bad.” While the internet and social media really, REALLY want to outrage you by telling you that literally everything you eat is bad for you… at the end

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24 At Home Workouts

Some days your workout plans get thrown out the window and you have to do something at home. Remember, something is better than nothing. Continue to build your workout consistency, and you’ll continue to be rewarded. Here are 24 workouts that can be done at home with no equipment, varying

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2 on, 1 off.

2 on, 1 off.  by Clark Hibbs 2 on, 1 off, referring to your workout schedule. I’ve been pretty open and honest before about my struggles of getting workouts in, and lately, I feel the same way. I have a lot of things to do every day and each week,

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Why It’s Important to PLAY Outside of CrossFit

“Why it is important to PLAY outside of CrossFit” by Dan Eakin I had an epiphany over the Easter weekend. Did you know -and I couldn’t believe this at the time- that there are activities that you can do, in combination with CrossFit, to stay in shape? Additionally, did you

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The Perfect Time To Workout

—The PERFECT Time of Day to Workout— We get this question all the time… “When is the perfect time of day to workout? I want to *insert goal here.* What time of day is best for that?” There’s a lot of information out there in the vast world of the

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Start Your Day With A Win

I want more people to start their day off with a win. Why? It’s so easy to NOT get a victory if you leave your wins up to everybody else. You might win by getting to the gym and getting a great workout in after work! Or your boss could

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You Don’t Have To RX Everything

by Daniel Solano In 2015 I made a decision to step away from a regular CrossFit routine and focus on power lifts. That meant more workouts with an emphasis on strength and less on metabolic conditioning (metcon) style workouts. As a result I lost a considerable amount of conditioning. To

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Coach Check In: Week 17 of 12

I kind of messed up my blog schedule (and by messed up, I mean I haven’t been writing…oops!). The last update was week 9… and now it’s week 17. My bad, guys. Not MUCH has changed since that week 9 check in, except that I’m down an additional 7 pounds.

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