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Why We Practice Bright Spot Fridays

If you’ve been in the Yellow Rose Members Only Facebook group on a Friday, you’ve probably seen people posting about Bright Spot Fridays. This is a practice that we started a few years ago, but we’ve been very consistent with it over the past year. The goal of it is

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The Daily Directive – Advancing Happy

Being a gym owner is the greatest job in the world for me, but it doesn’t come without it’s challenges. I have great days, I have bad days, I have “meh” days… But no matter what, I always try to do at least ONE thing each day that’s going to

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5 Ways To Avoid The Summer Slow Down

We’ve officially entered into the summer months. Ok, maybe not “officially” … that’s June 20th, but it’s May in Houston, so we’re calling it summer.   We’re almost to Memorial Day.Schools are letting out (or at least close enough where the kids and teachers are all mentally checked out).Those trips

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The Best Workout Schedule

What’s the best workout schedule? What do we recommend? Well… it depends (ugh, it always depends, doesn’t it?!). But it’s true. We need more context about individuals, their schedules, their lives, their values, their strengths and weaknesses. We need to know a lot before we make the appropriate prescription. And

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Let’s Strategize Your Season

Remember, you physically and mentally can NOT “make progress” all the time (at least how most people think of progress).       There’s a reason we have seasons. There’s a reason other living things go dormant, or hibernation, or stop growing during points of the year.      

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Go Slower, Get Better.

Go Slower And Get Better It’s still very plain to see that many people assume that speed is king in everything. In the fitness industry, we’re often hit with the phrase or notion that intensity is the absolute most important part of a great workout.   While intensities are absolutely

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Top Gift Picks for Fitness People

We’re officially in the Holiday season, and gift giving will be upon us before we know it. Maybe you know exactly what you’re getting someone. Maybe you don’t. We’re here to help. If you have a fitness person in your life, these gift ideas are for sure going to be

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Embrace the Dimmer Switch Mindset

We all tend to live in the extremes, or at least find ourselves in the extremes from time to time. It’s all or nothing. You’re either crushing your fitness, or it’s been weeks/months since you’ve worked out. You’re either strict with your diet, or it’s like the wild west of

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3 Essential Tips to Kickstart Your Journey

Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exhilarating and daunting. The excitement of the new possibilities often comes hand-in-hand with questions and uncertainties.  There’s a lot of noise out there on social media, in the office, in the news… what should you do? How do you get started? What’s

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What To Do After a Holiday Weekend

It never fails. A 3 day weekend just happened. You wake up on Tuesday (feeling like it’s Monday) and you’re feeling generally “bleh.” Maybe a little bloated. Maybe a little foggy. Maybe a little (or a lot) annoyed at your nutritional behaviors from the past 3 days. We get it.

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