Let’s Strategize Your Season

Remember, you physically and mentally can NOT “make progress” all the time (at least how most people think of progress).
There’s a reason we have seasons. There’s a reason other living things go dormant, or hibernation, or stop growing during points of the year.
It’s so they can come back in spring and summer and grow.
There’s a reason professional athletes have off-seasons and are not in peak performance all the time. If you never give yourself a bit of time to rest, take your foot off the gas, and be OK with just checking the box and going into off-season mode, you’ll never make the progress you want.
There’s no one schedule fits all here, either. Some of you might be THRIVING right now and making insane progress. Others might be feeling the stresses and anxiety of this season and are just trying to get to the New Year.
Neither is right nor wrong, it’s just different.
So take a moment today and reflect. Check in with yourself. See how you’re feeling, and ask yourself honestly, “what season am I in right now?”
No matter the season, we need to continue to exercise and move our bodies. But how much? How intense? What’s the volume look like? What do you value vs what is feasible right now?
Once we know, then we can take the next steps as far as deciding what’s going to be the best route for you in this season based on what you personally need.
Some people need a lot of accountability during an off season to make sure we don’t “winter” too hard. Some people need the permission to let winter flourish after grinding for so long.
Some people are in a season where they can go hard on everything. They might need some coaching for fine-tuning, or some new goals to set that they can look at each day.
Either way, I want to know what season of life you’re in, and how I/we can help.
You’ve probably heard talks of Strategy Sessions from Tiffany and a few of the other coaches. This is a new offering for our members, because we want to make sure that you’re setting yourself (and your expectations) up for success for the long haul.
Oh, and it’s free.
These sessions are 20 minutes long. The goal for these is to help you on a path to success for the next 90ish days, and then follow up with another one after that. From there, we can do some great check ins, figure out what’s good for you currently, offer our recommendations, and then see you shine.
If you’re interested in getting one of these done, email [email protected]. She’ll get you set up with either her or myself to get a strategy session on the books.
This is a perfect time of year to do these so you can get a refresh for the new year. We’re excited to strategize with you and get you on the best path for YOU.
See you at the gym,
Clark Hibbs coach at Yellow Rose Fitness


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