Thank you, Yellow Rose (From Coach Luci)

Dear Yellow Rose,

My greatest emotion for my experience as a part of this community is gratitude. I am unsure if I can articulate how thankful I truly am for my time here but I’m going to do my best.

To Clark and Rachel Hibbs:

Thank you for believing in the 22-year-old who dropped into class one day and told you she wanted to work in the fitness industry full-time. In 2021 I gave myself one year to “make it” and told myself if I didn’t I would go back to education. Two years later I never want to leave the fitness industry. I owe my love for this industry to you both. You have created opportunity after opportunity for me. I am honored and I am thankful.

Above all thank you for giving me the opportunity to create the Yellow Rose Fitness Youth Program. Creating the youth program has been incredibly rewarding and my proudest accomplishment. Thank you. 

To the members of Yellow Rose:

Thank you for accepting me with open arms. This community is like no other. When you come to Yellow Rose you are surrounded by parents staying in shape for their families, individuals finding ways to fit workouts in despite their busy careers, people driven to achieve their goals, and above all some of the kindest humans you will ever meet. I am grateful to be a part of Yellow Rose.

When I think of my time in Houston I will always think of Yellow Rose as the core of my adventure here. Whether you came to my classes, I did your on ramp sessions, or you did personal training with me I want you to know that I am honored to have coached each one of you and to have met you. Trusting me with your fitness is something I don’t take lightly. Thank you.

To the women of Yellow Rose:

Thank you for inspiring me. I was raised in a small town and went to college in a small city. In these environments, you don’t always see women chasing their dreams. You don’t always see women chasing their fitness goals. Every day the women of Yellow Rose have inspired me. One day I want to be just like you.

To the youth program parents:

Thank you for trusting me to be a part of your child’s life. It has been an honor I don’t take lightly. One of my joys of 2023 has been opening up my social media and seeing so many families I know. I have loved getting to know your child and will be cheering them on in everything they take on. 

To the youth program students:

Thank you for every evening you have come to class. I have been constantly amazed by your kindness to each other, work ethic, patience as you learn correct form, and perseverance when things get tough. I am so proud of you for trying something new. The youth coaches at Yellow Rose have your back and are excited to continue coaching you toward all your fitness goals. Please know that while I am not here physically I am cheering for you in every endeavor you take on in and outside the gym. I am proud of you. Go chase your dreams.

To Christian Guevara:

Thank you for believing in the mission of this program and thank you for all you have already poured into this program. I have seen your heart for these kids and am beyond happy to know you will be the youth program director. 

-Coach Luci

Lucianne Ray coach at Yellow Rose Fitness


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