CFYR Core Value – Passion

In case you haven’t read the first two blog posts…. Go do that! They’re short reads. This will still be here when you’re done.

Day one we talked quality. Day two was about service. Today, day three, is about passion.


“A strong and barely controllable emotion” or “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.”

“Strong liking” is doesn’t quite do our emotions towards CrossFit and CF Yellow Rose justice.

This isn’t just a strong liking. It’s not just a desire. I’m convinced that somewhere in our DNA, there’s a strand shining bright yellow made entirely of roses that glows like a fire with every breathe we take (and it happens to be shaped like Texas!). It’s not just a devotion… This is a way of life. This is what we have devoted ourselves to as a career. It’s not a side-gig or a hobby. This is EVERYTHING. There is nothing we would rather do day in and day out than work with the most kick-ass people around (hint hint… that’s you!).

Passion isn’t a word we take lightly or throw around without meaning. We mean it in the most authentic way possible. We have a genuine PASSION for CrossFit. If you’ve ever been in one of my classes and seen me get fired up over fitness (which tends to happen from time to time…), you know that it’s a strong and barely controllable emotion! Our passion for fitness, coaching, working out, and overall health and wellness is something that we hope to pass along and share with everyone we meet. As we continue to grow, the staff/coaches that we add will have to embody this passion as well. It is a core value of ours that can not be compromised. If someone is going to lead you through a class, you can bet that they are going to have an unbridled passion for fitness and people.

But our passion isn’t just about fitness, health, wellness…. Our passion is about something more. Our passion is the PEOPLE. Our passion is YOU. Another way to say it: love. There’s a genuine love that went into creating, designing, and building this place. There’s a sense of love and gratitude that is put forward towards every single one of our current, and future members. We’ve got love for you, because we love what you’re doing, we love your goals, and we love that you trust us to help get you there.

I couldn’t imagine waking up and doing anything other than working with the focused and determined members of CrossFit Yellow Rose. It’s a passion that I hope to continually share with everyone personally, and as a business, we will strive to positively impact your life.

Perfect segue to tomorrow’s topic: positivity.

-Clark Hibbs


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