What To Do On The Off Days

Our recommendation for sustainable and consistent fitness is for members to workout at Yellow Rose 3 days a week. Ideally, those are all Yellow Rose classes, but even if it’s only 1-2 days at Yellow Rose, we still want to meet that 3 days a week quota.

But that still leaves 4 days in a week that are going un-fitnessed. What should you do on those days?

Should I do accessory work? 
Should I go for a walk?
Should I start running???
Is there a step goal?!?

Calm down there, Tiger. We’ve got you, but we also need to understand that everyone’s going to be a little different.

We fitness humans tend to fall into 3 different journeys:

  1. Weight loss journey
  2. Maintenance journey (good with where they’re at)
  3. Performance journey (want to push it a bit, or go for body composition goals)

No category is better than the other. They’re all just a bit different and should be treated differently as well! Let’s look at what we’d recommend for each category.

Weight Loss Journey

When it comes to weight loss, dialing in your nutrition is truly, truly the key to life changing and long lasting weight loss. With that, it’s important to have more effort and focus put towards our nutrition. 

While I’d LOVE to see you getting in more activity with long walks, rucks, or even other/more classes… as long as you’re strength training 3 days a week, you’re good on the exercise front. It’s vital that we put forth extra energy and bandwidth towards nutrition goals with those extra days.

This might mean spending a bit more time meal prepping or simply cooking throughout the week instead of being in the gym, but this will be well worth it! 

Not sure where to start with nutrition? Check out this blog, and if you’re ready to take the next step, email [email protected] and we can get you started with personalized nutrition coaching.

Maintenance Journey

If you’re on a maintenance journey, you’re solid with your fitness, weight, consistency, habits, and routines. You’re in a spot that many are working their butts off for … so congratulations! You did it! Now all you have to do is keep doing what you’re doing.

That being said, extra low intensity work isn’t going to hurt anything, and might actually help you. Our recommendation would be to still have 1-2 true rest days a week, but you can fill the other non weight training days with rucks, long walks, or Zone 2 cardio (low intensity, steady state. Very easy and conversational).

A word of caution: if you find that by adding more you start to feel worse, cut that stuff out. Remember, being in a maintenance journey is a win!

Performance Journey

You’re feeling good and you have capacity to add more? Well shoot, let’s add some more.

Here’s an example of what a performance journey week of workouts might look like:

Monday: AM Strength training. PM Zone 2 Cardio (30-40 minutes)

Tuesday: AM Strength training. PM Zone 2 Cardio (30-40 minutes)

Wednesday: AM Strength training OR long Zone 2 cardio (60-90 minutes)

Thursday: REST

Friday: AM Strength training. PM Interval Running/speed work

Saturday: AM Strength training.

Sunday: REST

Yep. 3 double session days a week, and 5 days a week of training total. Now, some people might mess around with this and put Wednesday’s Z2 session on Thursday or Sunday, but that’ll be a case by case basis. Either way, building your aerobic capacity and aerobic base is one of the best ways to increase your performance output. For those that already have a high aerobic base, adding in bodybuilding and more accessory work could be very beneficial as well. 

Note: For those that are truly trying to gain weight, working with a nutrition coach is a sure fire way to see success as well. We can help you set up the perfect workout schedule, as well as get you the best possible results with your nutrition.

Whatever journey you might be on, we’re here to help you. Our group classes provide a super fun and entertaining environment with the support of others. Our personal training or semi-private training provides more one on one attention and individualization. Our nutrition coaching breaks through all of the noise and confusion with nutrition, and simplifies your approach so you can succeed.

Whatever you want to accomplish, we’re here to help you get there. 


Clark Hibbs coach at Yellow Rose Fitness


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