Thanks, Coach Chad.

While the current trend and topic in the fitness industry is “discipline > motivation,” I think that being around motivating people is a key component to success (this is why the group aspect of Yellow Rose is so important for our members). People who motivate and inspire you are the ones that can help you keep your discipline whenever things are getting rough.

Today, I’d like to express some gratitude to my friend and Yellow Rose Coach, Chad Stevens.

For those of you at Yellow Rose, you know Chad as the Friday evening coach. He’s always early for you, always has picked up the gym, ALWAYS has the wall balls straightened up, and is always excited to help someone get a little bit better with their fitness that day.

And while Chad is a shining example of what we look for in a Coach, he’s also an example of someone I try to emulate on a weekly basis.

Chad’s a lot like you and me.

He’s busy.

He’s a husband, he’s a Dad to two amazing kids, he works full time, and he seems to always have some other side project working, whether that’s fixing people’s window screen in the neighborhood, or coaching at a little gym trying to help people get healthier. OR putting on a huge event to help raise money for the Texas Children’s NICU. 


What’s most inspiring about Chad to me is the fact that while he has all of these things going on, he’s still making the conscious decisions to take care of his health too. He’s recently worked with Rachel on his nutrition and has lost 18+ pounds. He’s working out 3 days a week consistently, and is seeing noticeable improvement in his strength. He’s continuing to refine his coaching craft so he can be the best coach possible for our members.

Chad, you’re so damn awesome.

While I do strive to have my discipline for my health and fitness always take priority over the ebbs and flows of motivation, I’m really grateful that I have someone like Chad around to not only help us serve our community better, but to motivate me to be better.


Thank you, Chad. Let’s keep changing lives.




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