Something is Better than Nothing

We’re winding down the year, and winding UP the craziness.

Holiday parties. Travel. Stress. Unusual schedules.

Things can be very tricky right now, but let’s remind ourselves that right now is the BEST time to commit to our health and fitness.

If we can properly commit to our fitness whenever life is crazy, that means we’ll always be able to commit to it. It might mean changing up a routine, trying a new class time, or hitting some workouts at home … but hey, let’s commit to it.

But *how* we commit might need to change for this season of life.

I want you to remember this one thing for the remainder of December.

Something is better than nothing.

When we’re out of our usual routines and practices, it’s really, REALLY easy for us to get discouraged and push our workouts aside. I mean, they don’t feel as good, they can feel like a time suck, and they can feel like a waste at times.

But I promise you this — every single workout you do while life is crazy will always be worth the investment.

So feel free to taper back your expectations during this time of year. Drop from 5 days a week to 3. Go for a walk instead of the gym some days. Do 100 air squats in the living room. Knock out 30 push ups before your next meeting.

And every time you intentionally engage in fitness, call it a workout, and remind yourself that something is better than nothing.

Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help!


Clark Hibbs coach at Yellow Rose Fitness


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