Service – Yellow Rose Core Values

Following our previous post about quality, it’s time to talk about the next core value we have at Yellow Rose Fitness: Service.


“the action of helping or doing work for someone, or, a system supplying a public need”

We could easily talk about service as it relates to traditional producer/consumer relationships. “Our service sets us apart!” “Best service in town!” “Nobody does more for you!” And all those other catchy slogans.

While I DO believe most of those slogans to be true in our situation, I think service can be applied in a different way.

“The action of helping or doing work for someone” …. Let’s fix that…

“The action of helping someone.”

That’s more like it.

Nobody is going to replace the hard work that you put into the gym day in and day out. I can’t do your squats for you. Rachel can’t run that 800m for you. Coach Laura can’t learn your double unders. None of our coaches are going to workout for you. You’re the one who shows up before the sun rises or after a hard day at the office, and you’re the one who puts in the WORK.

We are here to help you.

Actually, we are here to serve you.

To go further with that…. we are going to pour every ounce of our existence into serving you. There’s nothing that we enjoy more than serving others to reach their goals (hello! that’s why we started this place!). We will work tirelessly to make sure you have the best experience possible, and to get you where you want to be.

Have a questions? We have answers.
Need a coach’s eye for your lifts? We’ll give you our undivided attention and provide you the knowledge to better yourself on your next lift.
Need help with your nutrition? We’re happy to serve you.
Want some personal training? We’ll serve it up for you!

We are here for you. I tell this to everyone all the time, but I genuinely mean it… if there’s anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask! We. Want. To. Serve. You.

The concept of service radiates and shows itself through our community. Every class you take is, in a small way, a service to others. You are there with a group of likeminded people all working hard and sweating together. While your goals might be different from the person sweating next to you, your presence is serving them more than you know. Your service is inspiring your friends and family to get up and be active just from leading by example. Your service is lifting up the others around you, and elevating the status quo away from mediocrity.  

We will continually serve you in hopes that you will continually serve others. Service is a value of ours that we will not stray from.

-Clark Hibbs


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