Member Spotlight – Marysia N.

Each week, we’re going to highlight one of our amazing members here at CrossFit Yellow Rose. Our members all have some pretty incredible stories to tell, and we want to share them with the world!

For this edition of the spotlight, we called on one of our staple 5AM-ers, Marysia! Here’s our quick Q&A with Marysia!

Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? Are you a parent? What are your hobbies? Anything unique about your life you want to share? 

I grew up in Houston (Clear Lake) in a Polish-American family, and currently have two kids (Lilly 9, Gabe 5) that my husband (Andrew) and I chase and wrangle in Oak Forest.  Like many in this city, I work in the Oil & Gas industry, so between work and family, free time is at a premium.  I love beach time, travel and planning events.  I’m a sucker for a good party theme.

Why did you start CrossFit?

I started CrossFit because peer pressure is an affective for of influence (Thanks, Colleen!). Prior to CFYR, I had literally not been inside a gym or worked out in any way for over 4 years. I had been somewhat athletic in my younger days, but when I had a family, that fell off the priority list. My lack of physical fitness was finally starting to affect my health and quality of life in a real way, so I was reluctantly willing to try CrossFit. I came to a community WOD with Allison in October 2017, and I was hooked. I was definitely sore, but I immediately committed to another week.

How has life improved since starting CrossFit?

I’ve managed to lose weight, but gain so much more in health and confidence. Nagging health problems are no longer an issue, and I don’t hide from cameras and mirrors anymore. I am more playful with my kids, and we are al more active in general as a result. Confidence has even translated to noticeably improved performance and development at work. My attitude changed from focusing on what was limiting me, to focusing on what was possible.

What do you love most about Yellow Rose?

The community and coaches. It’s premium class coaching with people who truly want to see everyone improve. We all push each other, and give each other grace as well.

What would you tell someone on the fence about starting CrossFit?

It’s not scary, anyone can do this. If you can walk through that door, the coaches take care of the rest.

Thank you so much for being such an awesome part of our community, Marysia!

If you want to know more about CrossFit Yellow Rose, don’t hesitate to send us an email at [email protected].



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