Member Spotlight – Jerome!

Each week, we’re going to highlight one of our amazing members here at CrossFit Yellow Rose. Our members all have some pretty incredible stories to tell, and we want to share them with the world!

For this first edition of the spotlight, we called on one of our staple 5:30PM-ers, Jerome! Jerome has been working out with us since July of 2018 and has made some pretty amazing progress with us. Enjoy his spotlight!

What’s your name?

My name is Jerome Muniz

Tell us a little about yourself in 5 sentences or less. Where are you from? Are you a parent? What are your hobbies? Anything unique about your life you want to share? (etc etc)

I’m originally from Corpus Christi, TX but I consider myself a Houstonian now and currently reside and work in the Sugar Land Area. I teach AP Environmental Science, Earth/Space Science at Kempner High School. I am also the AVID Coordinator and assistant Swim Coach. I enjoy learning new skills in many different areas: Exercise, cooking, web design, etc. I truly label myself a life-long learner, for instance, I have a great time going through Wikipedia articles and YouTube Videos just learning about Random things. Knowledge is power! Someone sponsor me for Jeopardy/WOD challenge!

Why did you start CrossFit? What was life like before?

Have you ever woke up and asked if “This is really your life now?” In May of 2018, I was sitting in my doctor’s office listening to her follow up of my recent scare in an emergency room. I received the prognosis that I had a fatty liver and high blood pressure. Even though I was 4-5x a week Gym Goer, I was still horribly overweight and unhealthy. She prescribed me my first blood pressure medication and advised me to lose weight. I couldn’t believe it. I decided then and there that I wanted more from my life. I knew Clark from my time at UH and hired him as my Nutrition Coach (via Stronger U Nutrition). After working with my nutrition for 2 months, I asked him if I needed to change my workout routine. I was apprehensive about joining CrossFit Yellow Rose because I injured myself 7 years ago at another box. He assured me that if I listened and learned from the coaches and communicated everything about how my body was feeling, then I would do great.

How has life improved?

Life has improved for me so much. Physically, I am much lighter. I started at CFYR right at 241. Thanks to CFYR and Nutrition Coaching from Clark, I am right at 204 lbs. My body composition has changed dramatically to the point where my coworkers don’t recognize me anymore. Mentally, I am stronger and persevere better. I have learned how to push through barriers safely to reach new possibilities, like running a mile, stringing some Double Unders, STRICT PULL UPS! Emotionally, I’m smiling more. Confidence and the impostor syndrome have been a problem for me, I’m learning every workout to take pride in every AMRAP, RFT, and Personal Best I get. I did those!

What do you love most about Yellow Rose?

What I love most about Yellow Rose is the coaches and community. All the coaches at Yellow Rose are knowledgeable, friendly, and willing to work with anyone. They challenge me to work harder to find my limits and when necessary breakthrough any barriers. The Community is also very welcoming. Being one of the few people that actually commutes to go to the gym, feeling isolated should be normal. However, that has never been the case at Yellow Rose. Everybody makes a concerted effort to meet new members and visitors, which makes CFYR such a worthwhile experience for everyone.

What would you tell someone on the fence about starting CrossFit?

For anyone on the fence about starting CrossFit, whether at Yellow Rose or someplace else, I would tell them to come in with an open mind and a small ego. Shift your mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth, and you’ll find that CrossFit will exceed your expectations to help you become a fitter individual. Everyone at the box started somewhere and is still on some journey. No one does it alone and through great coaching and a supportive community, be ready to experience monumental changes!

Thank you so much for being an awesome member of our community, Jerome! Your story is inspiring, and we can’t wait to see more from you in the future!

Interested in giving Yellow Rose a shot? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you set up!



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