Member Spotlight – Jennifer S!

Each week, we’re going to highlight one of our amazing members here at CrossFit Yellow Rose. Our members all have some pretty incredible stories to tell, and we want to share them with the world!

For this edition of the spotlight, we called on Jen! Jen has been training with us since November of 2018 and shows no signs of slowing down. Check out our quick Q&A with Jen!

Tell us a little about yourself in 5 sentences or less. Where are you from? Are you a parent? What are your hobbies? Anything unique about your life you want to share? (etc etc)

I am from Dallas, but I don’t like to admit that very often. I went to TCU, married to my favorite person in the world, Britt and have 2 kids: MyKala is 22 and graduating from CU Boulder (Yay! I get a raise!) and Daniel who is 14 on March 1. I also play tennis, and I love to read. I am in a book club I started that has been going 13 years, and a dinner club that has been going 12 years (I like consistency), both with great lifetime friends. I have coached several of my kids teams, including volleyball, basketball and soccer. I just started my own executive search practice one week ago and closed my first client yesterday! Off to the races!

Why did you start CrossFit? What was life like before?

Most of my family (and generations before me) suffer from depression, and I see working out as my natural defense against those genetics. I also love my career, and I know I have to to keep my brain at the top of my game, which starts with my physical health. Let’s not mention my age, which is also a huge factor, I am determined to stay strong as I get older.

At the end of last year I was in a job I didn’t love, and was doing my fitness routine half as much as I needed to. I got bored with the same classes at my gym, over and over with not much diversity. I saw the member spotlight for Colleen Cockrum who I had met through my son’s school PTA and she looked AMAZING and I loved what the owners had to say. I had always thought of CrossFit as SUPER Hard and thought that they always pushed people beyond their capabilities. BUT, when I saw Colleen was doing it (and was crazy good, I might add), I thought I could too. Then I came, and I conquered! Ok, maybe not, but I did conquer my modified version! And gradually, every week, I do more and achieve more.

So here I am, 3 months later, getting fit and running my own business. Fitness should always be a priority when you are starting a new chapter in your life that is going to be challenging!


How has life improved?

Strength, I really see a difference in my strength and balance, which is one of the first things to go when you get older. I’ve also lost substantially in my mid section, which is my main problem area. I also look forward to the CrossFit classes where as I used to dread working out. I know it’s going to be tough, but I really enjoy the challenge, the people, and I especially love the feeling of achievement when I am done. The classes go by SUPER fast, I always look up and realize we have like 10 minutes left.

What do you love most about Yellow Rose?

The coaching. It’s relentless and kind, and I love that. You are not allowed to do anything incorrectly so there is virtually no chance of getting hurt and you are NEVER made to feel less than when you scale the scaled version. I also love that they let you go at your own pace, but also gently push you. The other members are also great, very supportive, and always positive.

What would you tell someone on the fence about starting CrossFit?

If you have had trouble committing to a workout or a gym, give CrossFit a try. The workouts are always different, so you will never get bored. You show up, follow the plan, and go home. I also love that there is a real science behind everything you do; everything is done for a reason and is very purposeful. And did I mention that the coaching is phenomenal?


Thank you so much for being such an awesome part of our community, Jen! We love you, and can’t wait to see what goal you accomplish both in the gym AND in your new business!

If you’re ever interested in giving CrossFit a try with us, reach out to [email protected] and we’ll get you all set up!



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