A Letter To New Exercisers

A Letter to New Exercisers


If you’re reading this right now, I hope it’s because you’ve made the decision that you’re going to start exercising. It might be for the first time in your life, or it might be restarting after a particularly tough period in your life (2020 to present, anyone?). Either way, I’m really proud of you for making that decision to get started.


Here’s a bit about me.


My name is Clark. I’ve been doing this fitness thing for 15 years now. My love for helping people through fitness outshines my love for pizza, but I really love pizza. I got into fitness to try and better myself, and after realizing I had a pretty good gift for helping people, I decided to make this a career. 


After realizing that I could only do so much on my own, my wife Rachel and I built Yellow Rose Fitness. This gym and our team has served thousands of people just like you, and have helped them achieve healthier and happier lives.


Anyway, enough about me. We’re talking about you.


You’re about to do something amazing for yourself. I understand how nerve racking and intimidating it might be to walk through the gym doors, or push the coffee table out of the way so you can make some more gym-space in your living room. What’s inspirational to me is that you are stepping right over those fears and prioritizing yourself, your health, and your wellness. It’s an investment that has the greatest return: a longer and happier life.


Here are a few things that I’ve picked up along the way that I want you to know.


  • YOU CAN DO THIS. We’ve helped people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds achieve more than they ever thought possible. Many of them are just like you, they only made the decision to get started a little earlier than you.
  • There will be days that are tough, defeating, and discouraging. But there are so many more days that are inspiring, encouraging, and so kick-ass that they’ll leave you standing on top of the freaking world. I tell this a lot to all my new clients, “I’ve never heard anyone say they regretted working out. Only that they’ve regretted not working out.”
  • Most days are going to be pretty boring (that’s a good thing), but you’ll still feel amazing after.. You know that point I just listed above? Those are the ends of the bell curve. Most days you’ll be right in the middle. It’ll be the right amount of tough, and the right amount of fun.
  • Consistency is most important. Effort is next. I’d rather see you workout 4 days a week for the rest of your life than doing Whole 30 in January then waiting 335 days to start again.
  • There’s a community of people out there just like you who will support you throughout this entire journey… you just have to find them (come find us at Yellow Rose!)
  • A positive mind will go a long way. Doubting yourself is silly, because there’s nothing to doubt. You CAN get fit. You CAN get healthier. You CAN do this.

Because you’re a stone cold badass that’s ready to take control of your life, remember?


It’s really tough to decide you’re going to start working out, and I can’t express how proud I am of you.


But the decision is only the first step. The next? Walking through the front doors of that gym.


I’d be honored if it was at Yellow Rose. Send me an email, and we’ll get you started with the last fitness program you’ll ever need.


See you at the gym, 

-Clark Hibbs

Clark Hibbs coach at Yellow Rose Fitness



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