My 31 Day Writing Challenge

My 31 Day Writing Challenge

by Clark Hibbs

I like to write. I REALLY like to write. I like writing creative stories, I like writing helpful fitness articles, I like writing inspirational pieces, I like telling stories. Since starting the business, writing has sort of taken a back seat for me. I get blog posts written and shared, but this often happens over the course of a week or two because I’m “just too busy” (and we’ll definitely talk about this in another post). Writing makes me feel GOOD… it’s very rewarding for me for whatever reason!

So, I’m putting a challenge out there for myself… and the biggest reason I put this challenge out there on the crazy world of the interwebz is so I will actually do it. I can want to do something forever, but until I actually tell multiple people that I’m going to do something, it’s all talk.

Action is needed for growth.

The challenge: Write, post, and publicize a new blog post everyday. I’m not giving myself strict parameters like a minimum word count, and I’m not going to stay solely in the realm of fitness (although that’s where the majority of these will be). Each day I’m going to carve out time, sit in front of my computer, and just start writing. We’ll see what happens from there!

Full disclosure: I’m taking a wonderful trip with my stunningly perfect wife for 5 days during March. So, a few of these will auto-post and I will have created them before the trip.

That being said, here we go! Yes, this counts as my first post (gaming the system!). I’m equally excited about this small side project, as well as a bit intimidated. You see, I’ve made this challenge to myself before, and I bombed out after 4 days. Getting to day 5 will be a personal victory for me, but it will still fall well short of where I want to be. I’ve got my eyes set on March 31st!

Also, if there’s a certain topic you would like me to talk about or discuss, I would love to share my thoughts with you on it!

1 Down, 30 more to go.



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